Sum Kristi samkoma – á enskum

Sangurin “Sum Kristi samkoma” var skrivaður til eina legu, sum Kristnastova helt uppi í Kikhavn í 1984. Síðani hevur hann ofta verið nýttur sum felagssangur í samkomuhøpi. Nakað síðani varð hann umsettur av trúboðarahjúnunum, Onnu (fyrr Fuglø) og David Rodda. Hjúnini hava virkað úti í Senegal, men búgva í dag í Cornwall í Onglandi. Tey hava týtt fleiri føroyskar sangir til enskt, og væl tykist liggja fyri at umseta. Ein upptøka, har David syngur saman við øðrum, kann hoyrast HER  – nótar finnast niðast á síðuni.
Her er enski teksturin:

As Christ’s own family we should be shining bright
Just like a beacon in the darkness of the night;
Together all proclaim
Man’s freedom through Christ’s name
From prison’s gloom into the light.

   So together let us do the work of God today,
Everyone who trusts that Jesus is the only way.
So now give me your hand,
Shoulder to shoulder stand,
With joy may we the truth convey.

With all the very first believers, this we find,
They were amazingly united heart and mind,
They spoke of Christ with zest,
And those who heard were blessed –
Man’s witness and God’s power combined.

Today each member has a gift with which to serve
And from the task we have been given we must not swerve.
Unseen or seen by men,
May God bless each act when
It’s done in love without reserve.

In all I do, I must remember it’s not me,
But it’s the power of Christ at work so mightily,
So I must play my part,
And serve with all my heart
My Jesus who gave all for me.

So may the Lord keep us each moment wide awake,
Each opportunity in faithfulness to take.
The time so soon will come
To heaven he’ll take us home,
We’ll then see how much was at stake.

Orð/lag: ØB – Týðing: Anna og David Rodda    NÓTAR HER  



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